Google Data Studio

Connecting in Data Studio and creating a new data source

In Data Studio, click the « Create » button and select « Data Source ». From there you can search for the Novaon FacebookAds by Keyade Connector.


Select the imformation account connector.

Set up Metrics in Data Studio

Once you are connected, Data Studio will show you a list of all the fields available from your Account. This includes both your Dimensions and Metrics.

Visualize your data

When you have reviewed the fields, click « create report » and start adding widgets. As your Account may have a lot of fields, make sure to use the search feature of the « Metric Picker » to find the data you need.

Use Our Certified Direct Connection with the Google Data Studio API to:

  • Create custom, visual reporting for phone calls using Novaon’s Attribution Report or your own custom metrics.
  • View multiple Novaon data points in a single report.
  • Pair your call data with other third-party sources, including Facebook Ads
  • Choose exactly which call data points you’d like to display in Google Data Studio.
  • Share the most pertinent call data with your agency and customers.

Ready to get started? Connect your Novaon account to Google Data Studio today via the Data Studio Community Connector’s Gallery.